A man was spotted on a 'modified' bike at Glasgow Green after the Hozier concert last night. 

Officers from Greater Glasgow Division's Violence Reduction Unit (GGDVRU) noticed a male on a bike travelling around the East End park as well as the Calton area.

They saw the rider on the same evening that Irish musician Hozier performed to crowds at the park.

READ MORE: 11 incredible pictures of Hozier fans at Glasgow Green ahead of gig

The force says they observed the man to be riding 'in excess of 20mph' but 'hadn't used the pedals once'.

After carrying out investigations, they determined the pedals did not work and claimed the bike was modified.

The bike was seized and a 19-year-old man was reported in connection. 

"Last night officers from GGDVRU spotted the rider of this bike riding around the Calton and Glasgow Green in excess of 20mph yet hadn't used the pedals once.

"Enquiries revealed the pedals didn't work and the bike had been modified. Rider, 19 reported to courts and bike seized."