The Conservatives lost their election deposits in every Glasgow seat as they failed to achieve enough votes to get them returned.

The party won fewer than five per cent of votes in all six constituencies on Thursday night.

Election deposits of £500 are repaid if a candidate achieves five per cent or more of the vote share.

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The Conservatives missed the five per cent  target in all seats – Glasgow West, Glasgow East, Glasgow North East, Glasgow South, Glasgow North and Glasgow South West.

The Liberal Democrats lost the deposit in six constituencies. And Alba’s MP hopefuls were also off the mark the four constituencies where their candidates ran.

East Conservative candidate Thomas Kerr amassed 1,707 votes – just under five per cent of the total for the area.

City councillor Kerr said: “There can be no sugar-coating that this was a disappointing election night for my party in Glasgow.

“I am still proud of the campaigns we ran locally which focused on people’s real priorities and the issues that matter to those living and working in the city.”

The Shettleston politician added: “Ultimately our vote was squeezed across the central belt from a number of parties. That is something we must reflect on and ensure that we have a message that resonates with voters in the city.

“Having been re-elected in my own ward in the 2022 council elections against a tough backdrop, I am confident that will be the case and I am up for the fight of growing our party’s support in Glasgow and across the country.”

Right-wing party Reform UK led by Nigel Farage seems to have hoovered up support that may have traditionally gone to the Conservatives in the city.

Labour dominated the election results in Scotland’s largest city- soaring ahead to claim every seat while the SNP came second and the Greens third.

Alba and the Liberal Democrats were contacted for comment.

Other parties which saw their deposit kept include The Scottish Socialist Party, the Communist Party and the Christian Party.