There are calls for discounted train fares as ScotRail plans to make cuts to Sunday train services.

The national rail operator confirmed it plans to operate between 50% and 60% of services scheduled on Sundays due to a shortage of drivers volunteering to work overtime.

Aslef, the train drivers' union, feels the firm should be giving passengers a 50% reduction in fares if half the services are cut.

Kevin Lindsay, the Scottish organiser for Aslef, said: “The decision by ScotRail to half the service on Sunday is unsurprising, but still utterly unacceptable and unfair on passengers.

“If they are only running 50% of the service then they should be giving passengers a 50% reduction in their fares.”

He said the rail firm had failed “time and time again” to address the ongoing pay dispute which is reliant on voluntary working and compulsory overtime.

It comes days after ScotRail introduced a new temporary timetable, with about 26% of Monday to Saturday services cut.

Meanwhile, the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) and the Transport Salaried Staff’s Association (SSTA) are also considering action.

A 9% pay increase offered by ScotRail in six stages over three years has been rejected, with many drivers also refusing to work extra overtime shifts in the meantime.

The offer would have been paid in a 2% increase across April in three years to 2026 as well as a further 1% rise in January in 2025, 2026 and 2027.

Mr Lindsay added: “We have had many guarantees that this issue will be addressed but, sadly, there has never been sufficient progress made by ScotRail. This cut to Sunday services is a mess of ScotRail’s own making.

“If the Scottish Government wants ScotRail staff to volunteer their days off, then, they must address the pay dispute and instruct ScotRail to get back around the negotiating table and come to it with a credible offer that our members deserve.”

ScotRail has also previously said it is recruiting an additional 160 drivers but will still rely on some working on their rest days and overtime to deliver a “normal” timetable.

A Transport Scotland spokesperson said: “While train planning and staff rotas are operational matters for ScotRail, we fully expect any timetable to give the best reliability and availability for passengers and that changes are communicated well in advance to enable effective journey planning.

“We acknowledge the desire of rail unions to negotiate a fair settlement for their members.

“ScotRail, as a public body and the employer, has responsibility and the ability to negotiate within the limits of public sector pay metrics. However, as rail unions have been made aware, any offer beyond these requires Scottish Government approval at senior level following the appropriate process.

“We would encourage rail unions to continue meaningful dialogue with ScotRail, so that a mutually agreeable outcome can be reached as soon as possible.”

Mark Ilderton, ScotRail Service Delivery Director, said: “We are sorry to customers who are experiencing disruption to services. We know that customers want certainty and reliability, which is why we have introduced a temporary timetable, in place of late-notice cancellations.

“We are operating services which the vast majority of customers use and are still using all the available trains in our fleet so customers can continue to travel.

“We want to resolve the pay dispute with the trade unions and remain fully committed to further discussions.”