Plans for major works at McDonald’s at Braehead have been approved subject to conditions.

The application submitted to Renfrewshire Council outlined proposals to extend the restaurant off King’s Inch Drive by 37 square metres and carry out alterations and refurbishments.

The plans included a relocated entrance within a new lobby, replacement drive thru booths and an extended store room.

They also included the forming of new door and window openings, the removal and replacement of existing external patio furniture and the installation of new additional barriers. 

The plans submitted last month also proposed new full height glazing, the introduction of window vinyl and a new access door.

New tables, chairs and booths will also be fitted and the toilets will be fully refurbished.

Furthermore a new McDelivery area will be created.

In their assessment of the application, planners said that the extensions would be small in scale in relation to the footprint of the existing property.

No design concerns were found in relation to these, the proposed drive thru booths, glazing and door.

Planners also said that the widening of the drive thru lane did not raise any road safety concerns.

Environmental Health raised no concerns in relation to noise or smell but requested that a condition be added in respect of the potential for ground contamination.

Among the conditions of approval is that no development shall start on site until written approval of a site investigation report.

This report will characterise the nature and extent of any soil, water and gas contamination within the site and if remedial works are recommended.