A SEX attacker who forced himself on a woman has been jailed for four years for rape.

David Orr pounced on his 20-year-old victim at a flat in Glasgow city centre following a night out on July 11 2021.

The 24-year-old, of Abernethy, Perthshire, had claimed she had consented to sex.

But, he was found guilty following a trial at the High Court in Glasgow last month.

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Orr was sentenced there via video-link from prison on Friday.

Lord Arthurson told him: "The jury plainly rejected your defence of consent.

"The gravity of the crime can never be understated by the court.

"Your crime has, I can assure you, been life altering for your victim leaving behind untold harm which can never be undone."

Orr was both banned from contacting the victim and placed on the sex offenders list indefinitely.

Duncan McPhie, defending, said Orr had previously been living with his parents and had been a carer for his mother.

He had been assessed as a "moderate" risk of re-offending.