A Still Game star popped by the Barras market where she spotted a hilarious gift inspired by the comedy series.

Jane McCarry visited the iconic East End market over the weekend and made one vendor's day when she stopped by to browse his collection, which included a Still Game-themed item. 

Stallholder Ian Barr shared a photo with the Glasgow Times Camera Club of the comedy star holding one of his hilarious coasters featuring a quote from her character Isa.

(Image: Ian Barr)

It read: "He said 'et tu, Isa? I never ate two ae anything."

The quote references the episode 'Hyper' when Navid catches Isa shopping in Hyperdales instead of his shop and he asks her 'et tu?' because he feels betrayed by her. 

Speaking of his delight to have the special visitor, Ian said: "I Had Isa from Still Game at my stall in the barras last night holding one of my coasters with one of her many hilarious quotes."