A heartbroken family are still searching for answers five years on from the death of their beloved son and brother. 

Milton man Johnny Connelly was the most gentle guy, according to his sister Michelle. 

Speaking to STV News, she said: “He was just the biggest, most gentle guy, you would always feel safe around him."

She added: “He was a normal young guy, he loved his football, he was just a peaceful person.”

(Image: Image of Johnny Connelly)

Johnny was reported missing by his family when he didn't return home from a day out with his friend in the city centre on July 15, 2019.

The 28-year-old went missing at the Cowcaddens Underpass near the M8 motorway and his body was tragically recovered from the water at Spiers Wharf a week later on July 22.

(Image: Image of Johnny Connelly)

The Glasgow Times previously reported that Johnny had injuries to his head and body when he was found, leading police to develop a theory he had been attacked at the underpass. 

But despite officers making several appeals over the unexplained death, no one has been charged in connection to this day. 

READ NEXT: 'Two years on, still no closer': Johnny Connelly's twin speaks out after tragic mystery death

(Image: Image taken by Colin Mearns)

And Johnny's twin sister Norah Anne and sister Michelle want answers. 

Norah Anne said: “I know that my brother was attacked that night. It just makes things worse and it’s confusing because how anybody could hurt him is beyond me.

"There is no badness in my brother, he met evil that night, that must have been what got my brother.”

Michelle added: “If it was one of your sons or daughters and you were in my position that I was in now, you would be hoping somebody would come forward and try and put an end to this, try and find it in your conscience, your heart.”

Speaking to the Glasgow Times in 2021 - two years after Johnny's death - the family claimed that they believed he may have been murdered. 

And if that is the case, they fear his killer or killers may never be brought to justice.

(Image: Image of Johnny provided to the Glasgow Times)

In the month after his death, Police Scotland appealed for information, saying they believed Johnny was injured during “an incident” in an underpass on nearby Garscube Road.

They later said there may have been “some sort of altercation” and appealed for three men seen on CCTV to come forward with information.

STV News said they asked Police Scotland if those men had been identified or come forward – but they declined to say if either had happened.

READ NEXT: 'Who done this to him?' Family of Johnny Connelly launch fresh appeal

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Our sympathies remain with the family of John Connelly, who have been looking for answers since his death in 2019.

“Enquiries have been completed at this time and no one has been charged in relation to the death.

“Any new information received in relation to this enquiry will be investigated thoroughly.”