Punters at a Glasgow bar have allegedly been caught stealing on 16 high definition cameras. 

A group of three friends visited Bloc + on Bath Street on Sunday evening and the bar staff now claim that they helped themselves to a hip flask which was located at the bar.

They say the flask is of huge sentimental value and are urging those who have it to get in touch as their actions have been caught on CCTV. 

The man whose hip flask was allegedly stolen has contacted the police and the team is spreading the word on social media for the trio to 'get in touch before the police do'.

A spokesperson said: "To the three friends who were sat on table 3 on Sunday night (21st July)

"Two of you arrived at 7:30 - him North Face jacket, her heavily tattooed right arm. You enjoyed a meal and drinks - your friend joined you at 9:12 - summer dress, cardigan, the ladies bought drinks at the bar.

"On the way out the friend lifted a hip flask off table 10 (9:52)

"This hip flask is of huge sentimental value - a present from a sister to a brother before she passed away from cancer.

"The gentleman is very keen to have it returned - a cash reward is offered - personally we think you should return it just because it’s the right thing to do.

"The venue has 16 high-def cameras and the pictures of you arriving, sitting at the table and ordering at the bar are crystal clear.

"Please call the bar to arrange the items return - 0141 574 6066 - or email james@bloc.ru

"The gentleman has contacted the police and our CCTV will be at their disposal alongside information from the transaction at the bar (lady with the tattooed arm)

"Please get in touch before the police do."

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 10.20pm on Sunday, July 21, 2024, officers received a report of a theft at a premises on Bath Street, Glasgow.

“Enquiries are at an early stage.”