A man caught careless driving was distracted by a dog in his front passenger seat.

Imran Ahmed, 32, was seen by police driving "erratically" in Glasgow’s King George V bridge on December 19 2020.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard Ahmed also swerved across the lane.

Officers kept up with the vehicle which was travelling at no less than 60 miles per hour in a 30 zone.

Prosecutor Jennifer Sillars said: “They came to a halt a short time later and noted there was a large dog in the front passenger seat which appeared to officers to be loose.

“It looked like the driver was having difficulty keeping the animal under control.”

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As a result of concerns, Ahmed was stopped by the police.

He stated: “The dog was seatbelted, you will find a seatbelt in the car.

“I was travelling at 50 miles per hour but you were following me.”

Ahmed, of Glasgow, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to careless driving.

Lyndsey Barber, defending, told the court her client is a full-time student and carer for his elderly mother.

The lawyer added: “The dog was indeed restrained with a seatbelt.

“He said he wouldn’t put anyone at risk and wants to indicate that to the court today.

“He is apologetic and has no other matters outstanding.”

Sheriff Simone Sweeney imposed a fine of £380 and added six penalty points to his driving licence.