Bridgeton Bus Garage is learning top-standard industry practices from a major travel operator.

The Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust team visited McGill’s Johnstone depot as part of an initiative to observe and learn proven methods of workspace management and spare parts storage.

Chris Beattie, depot engineering manager at Johnstone, and Chris Medine, fleet engineer, hosted the group where they provided a tour of the depot facilities and highlighted the efficient layout and operational practices that ensure the smooth running of the facility.

The Bridgeton team will apply what was learned at McGill's depot to their own garage.

This aims to ensure a well-organised and efficient workspace.

(Image: McGill's Group)

Since 2020, the Bridgeton Garage has been owned by the Trust, securing the future of the vintage vehicle aficionado collective.

Steven Booth, chairman of Glasgow Vintage Vehicle Trust, said: "We’re touring bus depots in our local area to learn about current best practice in the management of garage buildings and how the spaces are used for maintaining buses.

"We’ll use what we learn to influence the development plan for our Bridgeton Bus Garage home so that it is fit for the work we do for years to come.

“Johnstone is the first stop on our travels, and we’re delighted that McGill’s have been keen to share their knowledge and experience with us.

“They’ve been generous with their time and access they’ve afforded us. It really is much appreciated."

Alex Hornby, group managing director at McGill’s, said: "We are pleased to welcome the Bridgeton Garage team to our Johnstone depot.

"Sharing best practice and fostering a collaborative spirit within our industry is essential for continuous improvement."