A taxi driver was snared with £80,000 of high-purity drugs in his car.

James Boland, 36, was caught with the cocaine in Glasgow's Tollcross on January 25, 2023.

Police had been given information about Boland and his Skoda being in possession of drugs in the Cambuslang area.

Plain-clothed officers in an unmarked police vehicle stopped Boland and he was detained for a search.

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As a result, he was taken into custody where a deeper search of the vehicle was carried out.

Prosecutor Sean Docherty told Glasgow Sheriff Court: "In the boot of the vehicle was a white block wrapped in polythene.

"A small sample was taken which had 80% purity.

"The cocaine was worth between £42,000 and 80,000 at street value."

Boland was arrested, cautioned, and charged then replied: "They're not my drugs, I don't know, during Covid I fell on hard times and this week I have been told to collect that parcel then await an instruction."

Boland pleaded guilty to being concerned in the supply of a controlled drug.

Sheriff Tom Hughes imposed 300 hours of unpaid work at Thursday's sentencing.

Boland was also put under supervision for two years.