BBC Radio 4's flagship political discussion show is coming to Skypark.

Any Questions? hosted by BBC political correspondent Alex Forsyth will take place on September 13 at the Glasgow venue.

The programme offers audiences the opportunity to ask questions to a panel of four personalities from the areas of politics, journalism, and business.

Ms Forsyth is only the sixth permanent presenter since the show started in 1948.

Entry is by ticket only and can be purchased at

(Image: Skylark PR Limited)

Angela Higgins of Resonance Capital, Skypark’s strategic lettings advisor, said: “It’s great to be able to bring Any Questions? to Skypark and shine a spotlight on Glasgow, giving its citizens a chance to engage with the issues for the day.”

The show, visiting a different part of the UK every week, enables the audiences to challenge politicians, policy makers, writers, and thinkers with their questions.

The doors will open at 6.30pm and close at 7.15pm, with the live broadcast scheduled to take place from 8pm to 9pm.