A well-known face in the Govan housing community is set to bid his workplace and colleagues goodbye after almost 50 years of service.

Jim Fraser is retiring from his position at Elderpark Housing after joining the association as a painter in April 1981.

He started his stint at the association by decorating closes and eventually progressed to the position of Estates Management Inspector in 2006, a role that required him to oversee the housing and community's appearance.

The 65-year-old, from Glasgow’s Kinning Park, is a popular figure among the tenants in the Govan community because of his travels around the housing stock for 43 years.

He gave up opportunities to move within the industry because of his desire to serve Elderpark and the neighbourhood where he grew up.

Jim said: “Community-based housing associations perform a vital role in neighbourhoods across Scotland and Elderpark is a shining example of that commitment.

“They are renowned for reaching into the community to help people with a firm emphasis on community regeneration.

“I have always believed it is not enough to build new homes for people.

“You need to build and sustain communities where people want to live and that is a role which housing associations such as Elderpark fulfil with distinction.

“Helping people to sustain their tenancies in difficult times such as the pandemic and latterly the cost-of-living crisis where financial worries are an ever-present challenge are two of the most important things we have done as an Association in recent times.”

While he loved working for Elderpark Housing, Jim said the relationships he built with colleagues and tenants were one of the biggest factors he never left.

He said: "There have been many changes over the years as staff have come and gone but I can honestly say I have really enjoyed my time here.

"But all good things must come to an end. I will miss my colleagues a lot but a new chapter in life is beginning.”

Gary Dalziel, chief executive, said: “We are sorry to see Jim go albeit he has been threatening it since the first day I joined Elderpark.

“Everyone in the organisation and those within the community and the many partner organisations he has worked with over the years all hold Jim in high esteem.

“The contribution he has made to Elderpark Housing and the lives of people in and around our community is immense.

“As a colleague he has been kind, considerate, caring and a real ‘quiet’ driver of Elderpark throughout the years he has been with us and the hole that his retiring will create in the Association will not be filled easily.

“We wish Jim a long and happy retirement and deeply appreciate all that he has done for Elderpark over the 43 years.”