A sex attacker who raped a woman again after he was freed on bail was jailed for seven years today.

Jamie Haughie first sexually assaulted the victim at a house in Glasgow on October 24 in 2021 when he struggled with her and threatened her with a knife during a rape ordeal.

The 38-year-old was granted bail the following day at the city's sheriff court but went on to attack and rape the woman months later at the same address as the first rape.

During the second sex crime on June 4 in 2022 he grabbed her and restrained her. He brandished a sharp weapon at her and made threats of violence to her during the assault.

A judge told Haughie at the High Court in Edinburgh that his conduct towards the victim was "cruel" and "cowardly".

Judge Michael O'Grady KC told him that he would have faced an eight-year jail term but for his guilty pleas.

He ordered that he should be under supervision in the community for a further two years following his prison sentence, when he can be returned to jail if he breaches licence conditions.

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Haughie, a prisoner, earlier admitted the two rape charges and two further charges of abusive behaviour towards the woman.

During the abuse he shouted and swore at the woman, threatened to kill her and her dog, pushed her head into a wardrobe and threatened to force her into sex acts. His intimidating and demeaning behaviour took place between 2019 and 2021.

Defence counsel Janice Green said: "The charges are admittedly grave and he has pled guilty to two single occasion rapes."

She said: "Both of the rapes followed upon excessive drinking and that is not mitigation and the accused does not believe it to be mitigation."

"It is simply the factual matrix and he knows he has a problem he has to address," she told the court.

The defence counsel said that while in prison Haughie has engaged with cocaine anonymous and told her he was now drug free.

She said he has expressed "deep regret" for the harm he caused and added: "His work record has been good. For the last 15 years he has worked offshore as a scaffolder."

She said: "Mr Haughie's position to me this morning is that he will not offend again."

Haughie was placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.