A Parkhead man is looking to make a difference with his brand-new play. 

The Naked Neds, created by director, actor and playwright Ingram Noble follows Paul, Jamie, Tony, Harry, and Bev – a group of friends who are trying to navigate life in the wake of their friend’s death. 

As they hilariously decide to honour their friend’s memory with a Full Monty fundraiser, Paul soon finds a lump on his testicles. 

(Image: From left, John Stuart, Ingram Noble, Tanya MacDonald, Aidan Curley and Lucian Burlingame of Naked N)

“Back in January, one of my friends found a lump,” Ingram revealed. 

He continued: “It turned out to be nothing and he was fine, but as my friends and I talked about it, we realised that we were a bunch of 20-odd-year-olds who had no idea how to check ourselves.

“Testicular Cancer is one of the biggest killers in men, but it seems like there isn’t much education out there. 

“I felt like I had to tell this story and do it properly.” 

(Image: From left, John Stuart, Ingram Noble, Tanya MacDonald, Aidan Curley and Lucian Burlingame of Naked N)

The play is highly educational (one scene will see a character walking through the stages on how to check yourself) and jam-packed with jokes, Ingram has promised. 

He said: “There may be some females coming along for the full Monty, but I would say to them to bring along their brothers, dads and boyfriends too. 

“This is such an important message and I want the play to educate people. That’s my main aim.” 

He continued: “There are jokes on almost every page of the script. The second line of the show is a joke. 

"The best way for Glasgow people to talk is through comedy. Glaswegians tackle everything with a laugh. 

“Even though the show opens on four fours at a pal’s funeral, we laugh all the way through. 

“You have to do that otherwise people will just cry or want to leave.”

(Image: From left, John Stuart, Ingram Noble, Tanya MacDonald, Aidan Curley and Lucian Burlingame of Naked N)

Having studied Acting and Theatre Performance at Glasgow Kelvin College for three years, Ingram soon became the mastermind behind This Is Where We Get Off which he co-produced with Heather Spiden in 2021.

He followed up the debut production with the 2024 play, Flatmates, and now, going three-for-three, the star is feeling proud of his latest efforts. 

He said: “I’m dead proud of this play.

“I think the show is something that is really needed right now and as a director and writer, I’m absolutely buzzing.” 

(Image: From left, John Stuart, Ingram Noble, Tanya MacDonald, Aidan Curley and Lucian Burlingame of Naked N)

The show will be heading to the Glasgow Acting Academy on September 6 and 7, 2024. 

The production will feature John Stuart (Dirty Water), Tanya McDonald (Glasgow Comedy Festival veteran) as well as Aiden Curley and Lucian Burlingame – who are making their professional acting debut. 

Tickets for the show are on sale now and can be purchased HERE

Please note, the show is suitable for persons aged 18 or over.