A Glasgow man shouted and swore at his partner's neighbours amid an ongoing legal dispute.

Police officers took Gary Clark, 36, to the East End address of his partner on June 29, 2024, around 9am.

After getting out of the car, he stood outside the property and shouted towards multiple neighbours.

Cops told him to go inside.

But, he leaned over the fence to a neighbour’s garden, shouting and swearing towards them: “F**king mon then, I got something inside for you”.

He continued to cause a disturbance and was taken to London Road police station, where he was cautioned and charged.

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The Bridgeton resident appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court this week after he pleaded guilty to acting in an aggressive manner.

His lawyer explained: "There have been difficulties in the neighbourhood. He presented me with a number of injuries, including to his head and back. There were attacks on him and his partner. 

"They are not living in that area anymore. These issues have caused him difficulties.

"He was on a community payback order (CPO) before and engaged well. He is also taking part in a rehabilitation programme.

"He continues to engage with social work. There is a lot going on for this man but he has been out of trouble since the CPO was ordered."

Sheriff Bernard Ablett remarked: "This was a reaction to an incident involving the neighbours. I cannot go into much more detail due to the impending trial."

Sentence was deferred for good behaviour and the conclusion of the other case.