A Glasgow man appeared in court after he burst a football that landed in his garden.

Terence Costello pleaded guilty to behaving in an aggressive manner, approaching two kids aged 12 and eight and striking their football, damaging it.

The youngsters were playing football at a Nitshill play park at 7.30pm on August 28, 2023.

Their ball fell into the 57-year-old's front garden.

He picked up the ball, walked across to the playpark and entered it while holding a spike.

He stabbed the ball, which deflated, and shouted at the kids: “If I see any other balls, I’m going to get a knife and burst the ball.”

The children went home and told their mothers.

Another neighbour heard the shouting from the park and when she looked out her living room window, she saw Costello walking through the park, holding the spike and making stabbing motions to the ball, deflating it before putting it in a bin.

Costello went home and police were called.

When they arrived, they retrieved the ball, which was seen to have multiple holes consistent with a spike being used.

Officers went to Costello’s home, where he was cautioned and charged.

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At the hearing earlier this week, his lawyer said: "What happened was that prior to this, there were a series of instances where balls landed in his garden and this caused damage.

"This would have been to taunt him.

"The balls were there without his permission. Multiple times, he would come out to find articles and plants destroyed.

"He tried to talk to the parents and reason but it had not helped. On this occasion, he snapped but it will never happen again.

"He has never come to the attention of the courts before.

"These are the most unfortunate circumstances. Immediately, he realised what happened and it is of great embarrassment for him.

"He was trying to make a statement. He was not trying to frighten them."

Sheriff Bernard Ablett asked: "Was the spike part of a solar lamp?"

The solicitor confirmed that it was.

The sheriff said: "I do consider that this was a highly unusual situation.

"You snapped following a course of harassment. It is also important to note that your property has been damaged.

"This is an exceptional sentence."

Costello was given an absolute discharge.