A thief broke into a Glasgow family's home and stole their children's lunch money.

A Woodside woman left her family flat at 8am on March 5, 2024, with everything in order.

She returned with her husband around 2.30pm that day and upon entering, found a stranger inside.

It was 30-year-old Peter Havrila, who had broken into the property.

The wife called 999 while her partner restrained the thief in the living room.

During this, the couple noted that various items had been moved around from their original places, so they challenged Havrilla and asked if he had taken anything.

The Milton man showed them a number of coins, valued at around £15, which he had taken from the desk drawer of the living room.

This was their children’s lunch money.

Police officers arrived shortly after and saw Havrila inside the property. He was removed.

A neighbour living in the same block of flats pointed out to officers that a watch worth £30 was missing from their flat. This was found in Havrila's possession.

He was taken to a nearby police station, processed, cautioned and charged, to which he made no reply.

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Havrila appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court earlier this week with a Slovakian interpreter.

He previously pleaded guilty to breaking into the two flats and stealing a quantity of coins and a watch.

Sheriff Patricia Pryce told him: "I do notice from the report that you have done a lot of work to address your addiction issues since this happened.

"It is only because of that that I am not sending you to jail today."

He was sentenced to a community payback order, which includes 18 months of supervision with a requirement to engage with addiction services.

He is also required to carry out 198 hours of unpaid work.