A  WOMAN who brandished a knife at a Spar shopper later said "I should know better".

Around 5pm on April 24, 2023, a woman and her sister went to the shop on Royston Road.

She noticed Lisa McInnes nearby.

After a few minutes, McInnes was seen at the entrance of the store as if she was waiting for someone.

The woman left the store and approached McInnes.

McInnes, 38, headbutted her, kicked her on the body, then removed a large kitchen knife from her jacket pocket and brandished it towards her.

The woman was able to create some distance between them.

Police were called. McInnes made off but was traced shortly after. She was searched and she was not in possession of the knife anymore.

She was arrested, taken to London Road police station, cautioned and charged. She replied: “I should know better”.

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The Royston resident appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court after she pleaded guilty to assaulting the woman and brandishing the weapon.

Sheriff Patricia Pryce said: "What concerns me is that the charge involves a knife.

"This is a very serious matter. The only reason I am not sending her to jail is because she is getting support for her drug addiction."

McInnes' lawyer replied: "Her 20-year-old son lives with her."

The sheriff remarked: "She is on the straight and narrow now, she is doing well. There are positives in the reports and the fact that you are getting help with your drug issues, you have to be commended for that.

"You do have serious responsibilities in your private life and you have two little girls who need you very badly."

McInnes was sentenced to 18 months of supervision and tagged for 20 weeks, requiring her to stay inside between 7pm and 7am.