A man took out his penis and peed on the floor of a police station.

Aiden Gallagher was arrested and taken to Govan police office around 2.50am on March 24, 2024.

This was after he approached two street medics on Buchanan Street and punched towards them, missing both times.

At the station, he told staff he needed to use the toilet, so handcuffs were removed.

Cops explained to the 26-year-old that they needed to remain in the restroom because he had not yet been searched and processed but they positioned themselves so that they gave Gallagher privacy.

He was facing the toilet and shouted at the officers to get out and called one a “f**king creep”.

Officers explained again that they couldn't leave but he continued to shout at them.

Then, he walked towards police, undid his belt and exposed his penis, while shouting.

He was told to stop but instead, he peed on the floor, towards the officers.

The King's Park resident said: “You made me f**king do this, you are a bunch of f**king creeps, I hope you are happy with yourselves.”

He was taken back to the holding area.

He was cautioned and charged, to which he replied: “See you in court, you f**king creep.”

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Gallagher appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Monday after he pleaded guilty to two assaults, acting in an aggressive manner and urinating on the floor.

His lawyer said: "He is 26 years old, he was under the influence of alcohol. That is not an excuse. He behaved in a totally inappropriate fashion. He accepts that.

"He does not have issues with alcohol, he just had too much to drink. He has moderated his drinking and hasn’t been drunk since.

"He has one previous conviction. He has a good working history and he contributes to society."

Sheriff Collette Gallagher stated: "I can see that you are someone who doesn’t usually find themselves in court.

"What I heard does line up with what is in the report.

"I think you accept this was quite disgusting behaviour.

"I hope that this is your last time here. You need to moderate your drinking."

Gallagher was ordered to pay £200 to each street medic. He was also fined £580.