A man is helping a community feel safe again with free self-defence classes. 

Andrew Wright set up EK Spear System in a bid to offer SPEAR Training (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response - a defence system that utilises an individual's natural reactions to fear or violence) free of charge to anyone who feels they may need it.

(Image: Andrew Wright, pictured by Gordon Terris)

The 34-year-old, who resides in East Kilbride, made the move after seeing residents on social media say they no longer feel safe in the area. 

It comes after a man was arrested and charged in July with multiple offences about reports of allegedly following females in East Kilbride.

The man is set to appear at Hamilton Sherriff Court with a trial diet assigned for September 6, 2024.  

(Image: Andrew Wright, pictured by Gordon Terris)

Speaking to the Glasgow Times, Andrew said: “I saw women on East Kilbride community pages saying they felt vulnerable and no longer safe on our streets and even men saying they didn’t feel they could go out safely to work out and such. 

“I realised I was sitting on all this training I had which I could use to help locals in the community feel safe again. 

“The classes can help people build confidence again, as well as bringing people who have been victims of assaults and attacks together.” 

He added: “I want to have a meaningful impact on the community.” 

Andrew successfully completed a three-week use of force instructor course in 2022 and began training prison, custody and border force personnel. 

And as a victim of several attacks himself, he admitted that the self-defence classes have helped him too. 

He added: “They have healed me.”  

(Image: Andrew Wright, pictured by Gordon Terris)

Andrew also wanted to offer the classes as a way of giving back to East Kilbride – where he moved a year and a half ago having grown up in Erskine. 

He said: “East Kilbride has given me a home and so many happy memories with it.”

Andrew currently offers a free class every Monday at the Waist Not Want Not Community Centre in Green Hills, East Kilbride. 

The classes are in collaboration with the centre and Little Brains – an East Kilbride-based charity offering mental health support to youngsters. 

The classes are open to adults and kids, and all attendees will be provided with a free safety alarm. 

(Image: Andrew Wright, pictured by Gordon Terris)

Andrew is also in the process of starting up his own, non-collaborated classes in the Village Centre. He also wants to speak to boxing gyms in case they want help to deliver any self-defence classes for free. 

And the demand for the move has taken him aback, he said. 

To find out more about the Little Brain classes, click HERE

For more information on EK Spear System or to reach out to Andrew, you can click HERE