A man shouted at police officers who came to his door looking for his friend.

George Harley was at his Langside home at 3.40am on December 16, 2021, along with others.

Cops believed a friend, who was a suspect in an unrelated investigation, was at this property so they arrived to speak to him.

When they arrived, they realised Harley had five outstanding warrants.

Police knocked on his door and identified themselves. The 28-year-old failed to open the door, so entry was forced.

Harley then showed up at the door and shouted at cops aggressively: “What you smashing in my maw’s door for?”.

Cops took hold of him and he was arrested.

He shouted: “ What you doing you f**king m***o?” and became increasingly irate.

He was handcuffed as he continued to shout that he would murder police officers and called one of them a “spotty c**t”.

Harley appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court this week after he pleaded guilty to acting in a threatening manner, shouting and uttering derogatory remarks.

His lawyer said: "He no longer has five outstanding warrants. The social worker seems to think he has turned a corner."

Sheriff Vincent Lunny noted that the incident took place nearly three years ago but it hadn't been concluded yet because Harley wasn't present in court previously.

He told him: "If you turned up when you were meant to, I would have applied a discount."

He was sentenced to 12 months of supervision and 120 hours of unpaid work.