AN audience member at a Glasgow boxing event broke a man's nose after a disagreement.

Crowds gathered at SWG3 in the West End for Glasgow Fight Night on March 27, 2023.

At 8.30pm, an attendee, Declan Fowler, asked the person in front of him if he could let his friend go in front of him so he could see better.

Then, he asked another man the same thing and they both agreed.

A short time later, Neil Sutherland, who was also in the audience, started talking to Mr Fowler - who turned around and asked what the problem was.

Sutherland then grabbed and headbutted Mr Fowler.

As a result of the blow, blood started flowing from his nose.

His friends ushered Sutherland out of the building as Mr Fowler was taken to the medic's room to be seen by a doctor. It was confirmed that his nose was broken.

Police were called and the 23-year-old was arrested, cautioned and charged.

He appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Fowler by striking him on the head with his head.

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At the hearing, Sutherland's lawyer said his client maintained that he acted in self-defence.

He added: "There is confusion in terms of who annoyed who [prior to the assault]. But his account is the same as the report.

"He does accept that his behaviour was inappropriate. He is regretful and apologetic. He works with a property company."

Sheriff Allan McKay told Sutherland: "Unfortunately, boxing events have a reputation and you got caught up in it.

"I am not prepared to accept that it was self-defence but I do accept that you have been provoked."

Sutherland, of Thornliebank, East Renfrewshire, was ordered to pay £500 compensation to Mr Fowler.