A man punched a stranger at a Glasgow bar for insulting his parents' relationship.

Scott Murray, 23, was at Wunderbar in the city centre on February 6, 2024, with his parents.

Around 10pm, he approached Andrew Dorfman and they started speaking.

Murray then moved as if he was leaving but instead, he swung his elbow back, hitting Mr Dorfman on the face and nose.

A fight broke out between the pair before Murray was restrained by staff and Mr Dorfman was given first aid.

Cops were called and when they arrived, the Lockerbie resident was arrested, cautioned and charged.

He appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to assault.

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Murray's lawyer said: "He is a young man, 23 years old. His father is considerably older than his mother, who is of Thai origin.

"Shortly before [the incident], my client was in the bathroom with Mr Dorfman, who made a comment of a discriminatory nature.

"There was an altercation in the bathroom and this incident was the follow-up.

"He has his own business and he works with his mum and dad at their restaurant in a management role. He works around 60 hours a week.

"The issue with unpaid work is that he works a lot."

Sheriff Mary Shields said: "My concern is that there was an assault to injury charge in 2020 and a compensation order was made and that does not seem to have deferred him from offending again."

The solicitor explained: "He has difficulties with unpaid work."

The sheriff remarked: "Because he wants to prioritise his paid work."

The lawyer agreed: "He understands that he needs to accept any order that the court imposes."

Sentence was deferred for a criminal justice social work report.