A famous singer surprised staff and pupils when he turned up at his school reunion and performed to them. 

Travis frontman Fran Healy flew from his home in Los Angeles to a dinner dance at the Hilton celebrating St Fillan's Primary School's 50th anniversary. 

The 51-year-old rocked up to the event and grabbed a guitar before going on stage to perform some of his greatest hits. 

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Guests were wowed by Turn, Flowers in the Window and Why Does It Always Rain on Me.

He also told staff and fellow former pupils that his time at the school in the early 1980s had been pivotal to him.

In particular, he thanked his old teacher Cecelia McLeod for instilling confidence in him to go and pursue his dreams. 

READ MORE: Travis frontman reveals he wanted to name album after Evening Times

A guest at the event told the Scottish Sun: “Fran was brilliant.

"He gave a brilliant performance and then he happily posed for photos all night.

“He was there to the end, chatting away and smiling. Such a down-to-earth guy, he hasn’t changed a bit – apart from the red hair.”

St Fillan’s deputy headteacher Bridie Gibb said: “He was so kind to make time for us, even though he is busy launching his new record.”

READ MORE: Famous Travis star returning to Glasgow to celebrate old school

We previously reported that teachers were keen to get Fran along for the special event and they told the Glasgow Times that they had reached out to him. 

Ms Gibb said: “He is a really nice guy and was kind enough to make time for us, even though he is busy launching his album at the same time.

“Fran coming back pulls together the whole sentiment of the school turning 50.

“He started within the first few years of it opening so to still come back after all this time is really lovely.

“We are really blessed that past pupils do return to us and have gone on to be so successful, it is nice to know they still hold us in high esteem.”

Travis will be back in Glasgow for a Hydro gig on November 21.