A Glasgow man threw stones at his neighbour's BMW.

Graeme Millar knocked loudly on his Darnley neighbour's door at 2.30pm on April 17, 2023.

The couple who lived there heard him shouting and knocking on other doors before and thought he was intoxicated, so they did not answer.

Instead, they told him through the door, to go home.

The 36-year-old went to the garden, picked up a stone and threw it at his neighbour's BMW car.

The husband went outside to try and stop Millar but he threw another stone at the vehicle and aggressively walked towards him.

The neighbour told him to go home again. In response, Millar shouted abuse at him and made threats to “do him in”.

Then, he called the man a “black b*****d”. This was heard by his wife.

Millar walked off and the couple called the police, who traced and arrested the Southside man around 5pm.

He appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court on Wednesday after he pleaded guilty to being aggressive and causing damage to the BMW, spitting on it, as well as making racial remarks.

The court heard that CCTV captured him punching the wing mirror of the car and kicking the door which left a minor dent.

The total value of the damage was £380.

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Millar's lawyer said at the hearing: "The full criminal justice social work report explains some of the background. That day was his father’s funeral and he reacted badly.

"He is very ashamed and remorseful.

"He seems to be making excellent progress on his current supervision. There are no new issues.

"He is stable for unpaid work."

Sheriff Collette Gallagher told him: "I can understand that was a day you would have been struggling.

"You drank too much."

Millar has to complete 135 hours of unpaid work within 12 months and pay the couple £380.

He was also sentenced to 21 months of supervision.