A bulldog in Glasgow bit two cops following orders from its owner.

The officers were called to a Broomhouse property at 4.45pm on November 17, 2023 after residents heard shouting.

When they arrived, they heard banging, loud voices and music coming from the home of Jacqueline Martin.

Cops went to the front door and asked her to open up.

She told them the front door was not in use, so police went to the back door.

There, Martin was cautioned. She tried to close the door but an officer put his foot in it, so she could not.

They struggled for a while as the 44-year-old continued pushing the door shut unsuccessfully.

Then, the officers spotted a Staffordshire Bull Terrier or similar type of dog in the kitchen. It was extremely excitable.

Police told Martin to secure the pet. Instead, she instructed it: “Duke, get them, get them”.

She made no effort to secure the animal and continued shouting: “F*****g get them”.

The dog snapped and bit a cop on the left hand which broke the skin.

Police tried to create distance between them and the bulldog as Martin was arrested and escorted to the front gate.

While cops were trying to secure the pet, it bit another officer on the right buttocks causing a puncture wound.

The bitten officers needed a tetanus shot and antibiotics.

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Martin appeared in the dock of Glasgow Sheriff Court after she pleaded guilty to behaving aggressively and instructing her dog to attack cops, leading it to injure them.

She also admitted to breaking a previously imposed antisocial behaviour order, which banned her from shouting, banging and listening to loud music.

Her lawyer told the court: "The report said she takes no responsibility but it was misinterpreted.

"She does fully accept what she pleaded guilty to.

"Her relationship with her neighbour is incredibly negative. She is apologetic about the police injuries.

"She states she does not have a problem with alcohol. Her conduct was fuelled by alcohol but she does not blame it.

"She lives with her partner and two children."

Sheriff Collette Gallagher said: "This is a very serious matter and really alarming.

"You are lucky police officers were not significantly injured by your dog."

Martin was placed on 24 months of supervision with a conduct requirement to engage with alcohol services and ordered to pay £200 to the two injured cops.

She was also tagged for 163 days, forcing her to stay in her home between 7pm and 7am.