Scottish Labour Party leader Anas Sarwar recently visited a gift shop in Glasgow to show his support for local businesses.

The Glasgow MSP visited the Janet and John Turner's shop in De Courcy's Arcade in the West End as part of Scotland Loves Local Week which will run until September 1.

It focuses on reimagining communities and encouraging people to spend with local businesses.

Mr Sarwar was accompanied by Daniel Johnson, the party's shadow cabinet secretary for economy, business and fair work, and Glasgow North MP Martin Rhodes.

(Image: Message Matters)

They met shop owners John and Janet, who also chair Visit West End, the Byres Road and Lanes Business Improvement District (BID).

Mr Sarwar signed the Scotland Loves Local Pledge, committing to support local businesses whenever possible.

He said: "To have thriving communities, it’s absolutely crucial that people support local businesses, not just one week of the year, but all year.

“I’m keen to explore not only how we get more people supporting their high streets and town centres and spending locally, but how we use the power of government and council procurement to support local businesses because they are such a key part of employment, growth potential and living standards.”

(Image: Message Matters)

John said: "Local businesses are at the heart of our communities.

"Byres Road and Lanes is a hive of small independent enterprises for whom the support of local people is absolutely critical.

"Our future - and the success of our community - really does depend upon the support we get from the people around us."

The politicians were updated on the mission of Scotland Loves Local by Kimberley Guthrie, chief officer of Scotland’s Towns Partnership (STP).

She said: “Scotland Loves Local Week is a celebration of local excellence and it is fantastic that we’re welcoming politicians into businesses, social enterprises and community-led organisations to showcase the great spirit of entrepreneurialism and innovation we have here in Scotland.

"The simple act of choosing local has a profound effect, laying the foundations of a new future for towns and neighbourhoods as we seize and create opportunities to make them stronger and more sustainable."