A woman assaulted police officers who came to her room in Glasgow.

Officers were called to an address in Pollok on July 16, 2023, after reports of a disturbance.

When they arrived, there was no disturbance but they found Shawnie Simpson and tried to engage with her.

She was extremely hostile and told them: “F**k off, f**k yous, f*****g daft c***s”. 

She was arrested. When an officer tried to place handcuffs on her, she used two hands to push them back, causing them to fall.

When she was handcuffed, she kicked out with her legs, so fast straps were applied and she was taken away.

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Simpson appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court this week after she pleaded guilty to assault and threatening behaviour.

Her lawyer told the court: "It’s her grandmother’s house. It’s where she gravitates when things are difficult.

"She has seizures. She took a fit in the court a year and a half ago.

"She was sent to her room and police came into her room.

"She is currently on an order. She is in a state of flux in her life. She is only 25.

"She apologises to her grandmother."

Sheriff Mary Shields told Simpson: "You are subject to two orders, it would make no sense to give you a third."

Sentence was deferred for further reports and good behaviour.