A man was caught drink driving with a weapon in his pocket in Glasgow.

James Kelly was arrested at 1.15pm on June 13, 2023, after police received an anonymous call that he was driving under the influence.

Cops searched the area and stopped the 59-year-old in his vehicle on Cantyne Road in the East End.

As officers spoke to him, they noticed he was slurring his speech and sweating.

They also noted a smell of alcohol, so a roadside breath test was carried out.

Kelly failed. He was arrested and searched.

A sock with a pool ball in it was recovered from his pocket.

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Kelly appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to driving with 108 microgrammes of alcohol in his system per 100 ml of breath.

He also admitted having the weapon.

At the hearing, his lawyer explained: "He was having issues with his marriage. That seems to be the background. He is now away from his wife and things are much better for him.

“He does not know why he had it [the sock with the pool ball in it]. It was stupidity on his part, fuelled by alcohol.

"He is working and has a relatively good employment record.”

Sheriff Anna Reid said: "I am concerned about the level of reading on the day which was very high."

For the traffic offence, Kelly was disqualified from driving for 15 months and ordered to complete the drink-drive rehabilitation scheme.

He was also sentenced to 12 months of supervision and has to engage with addiction services if his supervising officer tells him to.

For having the weapon, he was tagged for 10 weeks, forcing him to stay at his home between 8pm and 6am.