Glasgow could potentially see the installation of a Subway-themed bar. 

Glasgow 3D artist Steven Bracki designed the 'Inner Circle' concept four years ago during the pandemic lockdown. 

(Image: Images designed by Steven Bracki)

(Image: Images designed by Steven Bracki)

Vividly designed with the Subway’s renowned station steps, tiles, fabric of the seats and signage as well as a see-through dancefloor with subway tracks lit from underneath, it is no wonder the project wowed thousands of Glaswegians online. 

And now, appealing to anyone willing to take the project to the next level, the Crosshill man said he is more than open to making the idea a reality. 

(Image: Images of Steven, taken by Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

“I’m keen to develop the concept further,” Steven told the Glasgow Times. 

He continued: “The project allowed me to get my business up and running.

"The past four years have been such a rollercoaster. I've been working and living overseas in Australia and New Zealand. 

“I can't say I'm any further forward with bringing the design to life as it was always just a concept in my mind, but I would be keen to develop the concept further if there were any interested parties.”

He added: “If there is any chance of it being developed further then it would have to be in partnership with the right person or company that works in the hospitality sector already which is a prospect I’d be open to.

“Essentially, the idea is 'up for grabs' (for lack of a better term) for anyone who might be interested in getting involved to take things further.”

(Image: Images of Steven, taken by Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

It comes after a series of Glasgow subway carriages were put up for £5k each earlier this year after being taken out of service and replaced.

Steven explained: “The carriages being taken out of service and put up for sale did get people asking if I'd consider trying to acquire one. 

“I'd be lying if I said I haven't thought about the possibility of the bar becoming a reality at some point though given the response the concept had.”

And the concept still seems to be on people’s minds, according to Steven.

He added: “I find that now and then there is a renewed spike in interest with the original posts on social media still generating reactions.

“The reaction on social media was pretty overwhelming at the time. The posts had a lot more reach than expected with multiple media outlets even getting in touch.” 

(Image: Images of Steven, taken by Colin Mearns, Newsquest)

(Image: Designed by Steven Bracki)

So, if the bar came to life, what could attendees expect?

According to Steven, it would be a great spot for tourists as well as a fantastic atmosphere for locals. 

He said: “The interior design features so many aspects of previous subway designs and has its overall history woven throughout which is something I'd love to carry through into a real-life venue if it ever came to be. 

“These are the things that would make it a great spot for tourists as they can step into some of Glasgow's history in a really unique way. The concept has a lot of potential to bring to life a place with a great atmosphere for locals too. 

“A lot of the interior design decisions were made with locals in mind as I wanted to give the venue longevity and create a place that people would want to go and experience regularly.” 

If you are interested in Steven’s project and want to get involved, click HERE 

For more information on the 'Inner Circle' concept, click HERE