A DRUNK man who attacked police officers was later found to have a razor blade in his wallet.

Dawood Ibrahim, 55 of Easterhouse, was sentenced at Glasgow Sheriff Court after pleading guilty to four charges.

These included behaving in a threatening or abusive manner, failing to declare he had a pair of scissors, being in possession of a razor blade and assaulting three police officers.

The offences were all committed while Ibrahim was on bail.

The court heard that at around 11pm on September 27, 2023, a man was working as a concierge at Eskdale House, an emergency accommodation unit, when he became aware that Ibrahim was at the front door trying to gain access to the building.

Ibrahim tried to use the door handle by pulling at it until the concierge let him in. Ibrahim then went to a window and began shouting. He shouted “f*** off” a number of times.

Ibrahim was then given his room key and on the way to his room he banged on other resident’s doors and shouted “f*** off” and “shut the f*** up”.

Once Ibrahim was in his room, he continued to shout into the corridor using similar language.

This caused another resident to come out of his room. He asked Ibrahim to stop shouting to which Ibrahim replied “f**k off”.

Police were then called.

When cops arrived, officers walked to Ibrahim’s room and could hear shouting. Police tried to engage with Ibrahim but he continued to shout and swear.

He was arrested but could not be cautioned and charged due to his level of intoxication.

Ibrahim wanted to take a jacket and jeans which were then searched by officers. He was asked if he had anything sharp in his pockets, and he said he did not, but a pair of scissors were recovered.

Ibrahim was then taken to a cell van and in the process of this he began to spit at officers and a spit hood was applied.

Ibrahim was later within a holding cell at Cathcart police station and whilst waiting to be processed, he spat at police officers Mark Brown and Rosalind Coutts.

He also assaulted Ms Coutts as well as officer Christopher Kerr. He was taken to the ground and fast straps were applied.

While being processed a razor blade was found within Ibrahim’s wallet. He was not cautioned or charged due to his intoxication.

Ibrahim’s lawyer told the court that her client does not accept the large majority of the charges he has pleaded guilty to – but he does accept his offending.

She continued: “It appears he was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the offence. He tells the social worker he hasn’t drank alcohol for around one year, the time of this offence.

“He does have a record of previous offending however it is my submission he would require some support within the community to assist with his alcohol and mental health issues.

“He has previously completed community payback orders with unpaid work. The social worker has some reservations about his motivation to complete an order but recommended a structured deferred sentence to try and support him and to see if he would comply with a community-based disposal.”

Sheriff Simone Sweeney tagged Ibrahim for 135 days keeping him indoors between 7pm and 7am.

He was also placed on a community payback order with 180 hours of unpaid work to be completed as well as 12 months of social work supervision.