A Glasgow man's trousers fell to his ankles after he was caught shoplifting from Tesco.

Ian Nicol was seen at the supermarket on Maryhill Road around 10.30pm on January 2, 2023.

Retail workers became suspicious of him when they saw him walking through the self-checkout area with a tinfoil-lined bag.

They went to the meat aisle and noticed he had taken nine rump steaks, worth £110.10.

Nicol was detained for shoplifting and police were alerted.

As supermarket workers were taking him to the security office, the 36-year-old's trousers dropped to his ankles.

In the office, his trousers ended up at his ankles again and he lifted his Hi-Vis and exposed himself to the employees.

He was cautioned by police.

He replied: “How the f*** am I meant to pull up my trousers when these c**** have a hold of me?”.

Nicol appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court where the procurator fiscal depute read that he was also arrested on January 8, 2023 at Asda on Rothes Drive in Maryhill.

He told workers: “Keep your hands off me I have got a dagger and I am not afraid to use it”.

The North Glasgow resident was also arrested on July 15, 2023 at the Newsflash Store on Maryhill Road, where he was intoxicated and was asked to leave.

Instead, he became aggressive, called a shop assistant a "black b******" and punched him below his left eye.

Finally, on August 8, 2023, he was caught stealing chicken and steak worth £133 from Lidl on Hopehill Street, North Glasgow.

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Nicol pleaded guilty to six charges, including theft, assault, uttering racial remarks and exposing his genitals.

At the hearing this week, Sheriff Jonathan Guy remarked that what happened at the Newsflash Store was "a particularly unpleasant incident".

Nicol's lawyer said: "It seems he would benefit from a community payback order (CPO)."

"He seems to be engaging well, to his credit, with North West Alcohol Recovery Service and he reached out to the Simon Community. A CPO would be more than helpful to assist him."

Sheriff Guy added: "These are quite a range of offences.

"Given this chance, if you do not take it, what awaits you is a custodial sentence.

"These offences would entitle me to send you to jail for one year."

For the racial abuse and one charge of assault, Nicol was tagged for 162 days, forcing him to stay at home between 9pm and 6am on weekdays and 8pm and 6am on weekends.

For one charge of theft and exposing his private parts, he was sentenced to two years of supervision and will be required to engage with addiction services.

Sentence was deferred for all other charges to call alongside a review in three months.