A man attacked three people in a Glasgow KFC after he was woken up.

Workers at the Argyle Street fast food restaurant noticed a man sleeping in the corner at 12.30am on September 17, 2023.

This was David McLaughlin.

When he was woken up by employees, he became aggressive towards two staff members. He spat in the face of Rachel Haggarty.

Police were alerted.

A customer, Patrick Boyle, heard the commotion and asked McLaughlin to behave.

In response, the 51-year-old punched him in the face, causing bleeding in his nose.

Shop assistants pushed the panic button and cops were alerted again.

On arrival, they saw McLaughlin in an animated state. He was arrested.

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He appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court earlier this week after he pleaded guilty to assaulting three people, refusing to leave when asked, spitting and challenging people to a fight.

His lawyer told Sheriff Jonathan Guy: "He recognises his behaviour was very poor.

"Shortly after this, he was made subject to a community payback order.

"He has slightly over a year to go. My suggestion is a further order."

Sheriff Guy addressed McLaughlin: "Your solicitor recognises the seriousness of these matters.

"You have caused harm to those who worked there and that is unacceptable behaviour.

"It’s a serious assault on people in employment.

"The sentence will not be easy and if you breach it and come back to the court, I can send you to prison for around 12 months."

McLaughlin, of East Kilbride, was sentenced to two years of supervision and will be required to engage with addiction services.

He was also tagged for 335 days, forcing him to remain at home between 8pm and 8am each day.

Lastly, he was given eight months to pay each victim £100.