A drunk Glasgow man threw bottles at shop workers who asked him to leave.

Steven Gray was at the Ibrox Convenience Store on Paisley Road West on August 27, 2022.

When he came in at 8.15pm, he appeared intoxicated and workers were concerned he might try to buy more alcohol.

One employee told him they would not be selling him any drinks and asked him to leave.

At first, Gray complied and left.

Shortly after, however, he came back and picked up two glass bottles.

He threw them towards two workers, hitting one of them on the hand and injuring him.

Cops were called. When they arrived, they traced the 31-year-old and arrested him.

Gray appeared at a hearing at Glasgow Sheriff Court earlier this week after he pleaded guilty to the assault and several other charges.

These included fighting with two others at a Southside address in 2022 and four charges of breaking his bail curfew in 2023 and 2024.

He also admitted to stealing clothing worth £148 from H&M in St Enoch shopping centre in 2022.

The court also heard that Gray is on a structured deferred sentence.

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His solicitor said: "In respect of these matters, he has not spent any time in custody.

"The matters most serious are the offences of violence. The remaining are a breach and theft. 

"He is 31 years old and struggles with alcohol and homelessness. He has just recently secured accommodation. He has a flat with the Blue Triangle."

This is a social care organisation that provides housing and support.

The lawyer told Sheriff Jonathan Guy: "He needs to engage appropriately with those mentoring him.

"I would ask you to take into account the progression he has already made [on his current order]."

Sheriff Guy told Gray: "I tried to find a disposal by which we don’t need to send you to prison. I have given you options to engage.

"You continue to come to the attention of the police. I warned you very clearly that if you don’t put any effort into the orders, I will send you to jail. That is what I will do."

Gray was sentenced to 240 days in prison.