A Glasgow man assaulted two workers and then exposed his penis to cops.

Cameron McDade was at DePaul House in Govan at 8pm on October 28, 2023.

This is a residential support service for young people.

Workers there saw him behaving inappropriately, so they asked him to leave, which he did.

But he returned at 9.30pm, and workers noted he was intoxicated.

McDade went through the cupboard and took two jugs of coffee. When two workers tried to take it from him, he pushed them both.

He said: "F*** off, useless woman", then went back to his flat on nearby Edmiston Drive.

Later, the two workers went to McDade's home to check on him. 

They found him lying on his bed face down. When he noticed them, he aggressively told them to "f*** off".

The workers left but McDade followed them back to DePaul House, where he began kicking and banging on an office door.

Then, the workers heard the sound of smashing and realised that McDade dropped a knife.

He was seen with a butterknife in his hand, which they took from him.

McDade then went back to the office door, grabbed a fire extinguisher and pointed it at the office, which was locked.

He began hitting the door with the fire extinguisher, causing dents. He was shouting whilst doing this.

Police were alerted and took the 24-year-old to Govan police station.

There, he continued to be aggressive and exposed his penis to two cops.

He told them: "Do yous want some of this?".

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McDade appeared in the dock of Glasgow Sheriff Court last week after he pleaded guilty to two charges of assault, stealing food, causing damage and exposing his penis and moving it around in his hand.

His lawyer told the court: "He was in supported accommodation until March 2023. The removal from care had an impact on him. He has complex PTSD.

"He appeared to go off the rails after this. He was binge drinking. He was so drunk he has no recollection of charge seven [exposing himself].

"He is subject to two orders from this court. He has not come to the attention of the police this year.

"He understands the offences he committed are serious."

Sheriff Mary Shields deferred sentence for six months for a community payback order progress report and a good behaviour report.