Crime boss Jamie Stevenson has had a bitter fall-out with trusted lieutenant and step-son Gerard Carbin, it has emerged.

The animosity is such the former close criminal allies had to be kept apart during the sentencing hearings today.

READ NEXT: Jamie Stevenson jailed over running global drug smuggling ring

The gang - minus Carbin - had initially been brought from the cells to the dock this morning.

Plans were for Carbin - who had sat beside the rest during the last hearing - to instead be seated away from Stevenson for the sentencing.

But, he did not show and the court was temporarily adjourned.

The matter was eventually resolved with it being agreed Stevenson would be sentenced alone.

An edgy and ashed-faced Carbin finally took his place in the dock.

The source said: "The fall out seems to have happened following the guilty pleas last month.

"Stevenson was on remand in HMP Edinburgh and Carbin in Barlinnie, but word quickly spread he was not happy with his step-son.

"There were serious concerns that this could spill over in court. Police were on red-alert.

"Carbin then seemingly refused to come into the dock not wanting to be near Stevenson.

"It was only when it was agreed with the judge that Stevenson would be dealt with separately, Carbin appeared from the cells."

(Image: Drugs bust in Dover)

We previously reported the international drug cartel fronted by Stevenson have been locked up for a total of 49 years.

Stevenson was hit with the biggest jail term - 20 years - as the six strong mob were sentenced at the High Court in Glasgow today.

The law authorities had carried out a huge drugs bust in 2020 after £76m of high purity cocaine was found smuggled inside boxes of bananas in Dover.

A street Valium pill factory - which could churn out 250,000 tablets per hour - was also uncovered in Kent.