Consultation sessions are set to take place for a major Glasgow City Region City Deal project.

The project, which is focused on Custom House Quay and Carlton Place, aims to create a unique destination on the Glasgow waterfront.

It also plans to improve and protect the area's townscape, heritage, and environment.

The project will address the structural integrity of the quay walls and renew the existing open space to establish a River Park.

An expert design team, led by Hawkins-Brown, has been appointed by Glasgow City Council to develop a masterplan design for both the north and south banks of the city centre waterfront.

The team will also identify a phasing strategy to deliver the necessary infrastructure works.

The first consultation session will take place at Glasgow City Chambers on October 9, from 11am to 2pm, with a second session running from 5pm to 8pm.

An online survey will also be available from the morning of October 9 to 26, allowing participants to learn more about the proposals and provide feedback.

Councillor Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council and chair of the Glasgow City Region Cabinet, said: "The Custom House Quay and Carlton Place project will transform a historic part of the waterfront in Glasgow city centre.

"These are very exciting proposals for a new and unique city destination, and the consultation sessions will give those taking part the chance to both learn much more about them and give their views on what they would like from the final design and masterplan."

The project is part of the Glasgow City Region City Deal.