CCTV has been released after an assault at a Celtic v Rangers match.

Officers are looking for three men who may be able to help their investigation into the incident, which took place on September 1, 2024, during the game at Celtic Park.

The first man is described as white with shaved hair, wearing black sunglasses and a black top.

(Image: Police Scotland)

The second man is described as white with short dark hair. He was wearing a black jumper.

(Image: Police Scotland)

The third man is described as white with short dark hair and wearing a dark green Celtic top.

(Image: Police Scotland)

Constable Mark Barr, of the Greater Glasgow Football Enquiry Unit, said: “I would urge the males pictured, or anyone who has information relating to them, to make contact with us.

"You should call Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 1092 of September 1, 2024 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.”