A Glasgow man who was found with a knife in his pocket said it was for work.

Richard Robertson, 29, appeared at Glasgow Sheriff Court after he pleaded guilty to being in possession of the sharp article on October 7 last year.

At 5pm, he was taken to Cathcart police station by officers on a separate matter.

Upon arrival, cops searched him and found a black box cutter knife in his right jacket pocket.

The Barlanark man was arrested, cautioned, and charged.

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His solicitor told the court: "This is an item he had for his work. He describes it as a box cutter.

"There was no nefarious intent but he did have it and he accepts he should not have.

"He finds himself using alcohol and drugs. 

"The report suggests he needs mental health support, he recognises that. He is willing to accept any help he can get to address this issue. He clearly does need help.

Sheriff Mary Shields deferred sentencing for an assessment to establish if Robertson is fit for the drug court or alcohol court.