ONE of the issues with this Rangers squad is that I don’t think the side is vocal enough and you don’t hear people shouting often enough. There are very few that do that and, as a unit, they need to be better.

If a player gets injured or a bad tackle against them, you should have six or seven around the opposition player. You show you are a unit and part of a team, not just an individual.

Rangers need that unity amongst them and hopefully their Christmas party last weekend will help in that regard.

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That was a success of Walter Smith’s side. He took them all out for lunch, they all got together and enjoyed each other’s company.

Do this team do that? They go their separate ways and most of them don’t see each other until the next morning. You have got to have that spirit amongst the squad.

Walter had that and Ally had that and the players in those squads got on well with each other.

You take them away for a couple of days, take them for a meal, get them chatting. It all adds up.

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The older professionals, you want them leading the way in the squad. You want them speaking to players outside of football and geeing them up in the dressing room.

That is what they are needing because after four good results in-a-row I think some of them felt ‘we are fine now’.

That is not the case. Four wins is not what Rangers are about.

You might not be able to play well every game, but you win them. And that takes a certain mentality and unity amongst the players.