Neil Lennon has offered some unlikely backing to Rangers boss Michael Beale.

The Ibrox No.1 has come under some hefty pressure during the early months of the season after falling four points behind Celtic in the table in September and crashing out of the Champions League.

Rangers recorded three wins in a week last week, however, the 1-0 victory over Motherwell was met with disappointment from large sections of the support, with audible boos heard around Ibrox.

After the game, by Beale's own admission, he insisted the performance wasn't good enough from the hosts and that they got away with one against Stuart Kettlewell's side.

However, Lennon - who knows all about the intensity of managing one of Glasgow's big two - has told the Gers gaffer that he was being too harsh on his players, instead pointing out that it was a good job done on Sunday.

The Irishman has offered some advice by stating that he risks losing the interest of his players if he continues to lambast them in the media.

He told PLZ Soccer: "You’ve got to enjoy the wins. That’s a good win for me, albeit the performance might not be great and the fans are impatient wanting to see more.

"Putting that out in the public domain is not a good look. The players will look at it and be saying ‘come on gaffer we’ve just had two really good wins but you’re out there saying it’s not good enough’.

READ MORE: Kenny Miller sets out Michael Beale Rangers challenge

“I get it to a certain degree and you can say that in the dressing room but come out and be positive. I know people might shoot you down and say you’re talking rubbish but you have to enjoy the wins and take the positives.

"There were spells in the game when Rangers were good but you’ve got to remember Motherwell are playing well, they’ve had a free week and come with no pressure.

"You get that a lot in Glasgow. Teams come and sniff a bit of blood and have a go but they’ve come away with three points and a clean sheet.”