A seven-a-side football competition was held to raise awareness about suicide prevention.

Around 200 participants, including local high schools, voluntary organisations, and groups of friends, gathered at Ravenscraig Sports Facility on Wednesday, September 11.

The event was organised to support the suicide prevention campaigns of North and South Lanarkshire Councils.

(Image: NLC) It aimed to break the stigma surrounding suicide and encourage open conversations to prevent it.

Ann Marie Darcey, suicide prevention lead officer with NLC, said: "We were delighted to see so many teams turning out, and we are extremely grateful to everyone for helping support our efforts to tackle suicide in our communities.

"Unfortunately, suicide is much more common than many would think and devastates many families across Lanarkshire."

She emphasised the impact of suicide on those left behind, saying: "The tragedy of suicide has an awful impact on those left behind, it leaves them bewildered and struggling to cope.

"Many of the players taking part in today’s tournament have been telling us of their own stories about losing friends or family members to suicide, and it is really heartening to see them being so determined to honour their loved ones but also to try and spread a message of hope that help is available."

(Image: NLC) She also highlighted the role of football in encouraging open conversations. She added: "Football and the camaraderie it offers can provide a great way to encourage people to talk openly.

"Breaking the stigma around suicide is important in empowering people to reach out and ask for support when they need it."

The tournament champions were Taylor High School.

For individuals concerned about suicide or someone at risk, the Samaritans can be reached at 116 123, and Breathing Space is available at 0800 83 85 87.