Celtic will hold their annual general meeting today - on Friday, November 22.

Club shareholders will gather at Celtic Park for the AGM this morning.

Eight ordinary resolutions and one special resolution will be voted on by shareholders at the meeting.

Among the ordinary resolutions is the reappointing of directors, the reappointment of auditors and the right to allot shares.

The special resolution concerns the power to allot equity securities for cash.

A full schedule for the AGM has not been confirmed but club chiefs have faced questions on a variety of topics from supporters in recent years.

When is the Celtic AGM? 

The Celtic FC AGM will be held today on Friday, November 22.

The meeting will begin at 10.30am.

Where is the Celtic AGM being hosted?

The AGM is being held at Celtic Park.

Read more: 

Can I attend the Celtic AGM? 

Only shareholders are permitted to attend the AGM. 

What motions are being voted on at the Celtic AGM?

Nine motions are scheduled to be voted upon by shareholders at this morning's AGM.

As ordinary resolutions:

1. To receive the Company's annual accounts and the Auditors' Report, the Strategic Report and the Directors' Report for the year ended 30 June 2024.

2. To reappoint Michael Nicholson, who retires by rotation, as a director of the Company.

3. To reappoint Dermot Desmond, who retires by rotation, as a director of the Company.

4. To reappoint Tom Allison, who retires by rotation, as a director of the Company.

5. To reappoint Brian Wilson, who retires by rotation, as a director of the Company.

6. To reappoint BDO LLP as auditors of the Company.

7. To authorise the directors to determine the remuneration of the auditors

8. That, pursuant to section 551 of the Companies Act 2006 and Article 6 of the Company's articles of association ("Articles"), the directors be and are generally and unconditionally authorised to exercise all powers of the Company to allot shares in the Company or to grant rights to subscribe for or to convert any security into shares in the Company ("Rights") up to an aggregate nominal amount of £151,730.27 provided that (unless previously revoked, varied or renewed) this authority shall expire on the earlier of 22 February 2026 and the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company, save that the Company may, before such expiry, make an offer or agreement which would or might require shares to be allotted or Rights to be granted after this authority expires and the directors may allot shares or grant such Rights in pursuance of any such offer or agreement as if this power had not expired. This authority is in substitution for all existing authorities under section 551 of the Companies Act 2006 which authorities, to the extent unused at the date of this resolution, are revoked with immediate effect.

As special resolution:

9. That, subject to the passing of Resolution 8 and pursuant to section 570 of the Companies Act 2006 (and Article 6 of the Articles), the directors be and are generally empowered to allot equity securities (within the meaning of section 560 of the Companies Act 2006) for cash pursuant to the authority conferred by Resolution8 as if section 561(1) of the Companies Act 2006 did not apply to any such allotment, provided that this power shall be limited to:

9.1 the allotment of equity securities in connection with an offer (whether by way of a rights issue, open offer or otherwise):  

9.1.1 to holders of ordinary shares (within the meaning of section 560(1) of the Companies Act 2006) in the capital of the Company in proportion (as nearly as practicable) to the respective numbers of ordinary shares held by them; and

9.1.2 to holders of other equity securities in the capital of the Company, as required by the rights of those securities, or subject to such rights, as the directors otherwise consider necessary,  1 but subject to such exclusions or other arrangements as the directors may deem necessary or expedient in relation to treasury shares, record dates, fractional entitlements or any legal or practical problems under the laws of any territory or the requirements of any regulatory body or stock exchange; 

9.2 the allotment of equity securities in place of a cash dividend pursuant to any authority conferred upon the directors in accordance with and pursuant to Article 40.8 of the Articles; and 

9.3 the allotment of equity securities otherwise than pursuant to sub-paragraphs 9.1 and 9.2 above, up to an aggregate nominal amount of £47,415.71;

and (unless previously revoked, varied or renewed) this power shall expire on the earlier of 22 February 2026 and the conclusion of the next annual general meeting of the Company after the passing of this resolution, save that the Company may make an offer or agreement before the expiry of this power which would or might require equity securities to be allotted for cash after such expiry and the directors may allot equity securities pursuant to any such offer or agreement as if this power had not expired.

This power is in substitution for all existing powers under section 570 of the Companies Act 2006 which powers, to the extent unused at the date of this resolution, are revoked with immediate effect.